

Our offer

We are focusing on various measures to support sport in becoming part of a climate-friendly future. You too can become a part of this and get involved - let yourself be inspired:


Through the large-scale campaign Sports4Trees, we activate the sports world to make its contribution to climate protection. To become part of the solution. We achieve this goal by promoting Sports4Trees through ticket portals, event organizers, and sports clubs. In doing so, we aim to inspire other societal actors outside of sports as well.

Let us inspire you


The workbook serves as a direct guide for you to immediately implement measures at your sports event. It provides numerous examples that can be adopted. Throughout the workbook, various thematic areas are addressed that contribute to achieving an environmentally and climate-friendly sports event. Much of the content is already publicly available in various sources, and we have attempted to bring these contents together as concretely and comprehensively as possible.


In the recent past, interest in further education and training on the topic of sustainability has increased dramatically. We want to give all institutions in sport the opportunity to use our accumulated experience and knowledge and offer workshops in which opportunities for sustainable change are highlighted. Are you interested in taking part in a workshop? Then get in touch with us now: info@sportsforfuture.de

Results of the future workshop 

CO2 Sports Club Calculator - Webinar


With regard to the climate crisis, we use the findings of international science as a basis for action and also support the demands of the Fridays for Future movement, for example. We take part in climate strikes, form alliances with strong partners and start petitions. The aim is to increase the pressure on (sports) policy makers so that there is no way around ecologically, economically and socially responsible decisions in sport.

Petition "Stop this FIFA"

Network Meetings

To give all supporters the opportunity to network with each other and exchange ideas, we have already organized three Sports for Future network meetings. The first meeting took place digitally in 2021. In 2022 we met in Hamburg and in 2023 we were guests at the new DFB Campus in Frankfurt. Are you interested in attending a meeting? Then get in touch with us now: info@sportsforfuture.de

The Frankfurt 2023 network meeting
The Hamburg 2022 network meeting
The digital network meeting in 2021


We are cooperating with many different players from the world of sport to take up the fight against the climate crisis together. Together we are strong and can achieve great things. For example, thanks to our cooperation with FAIRPLAID, we have already been able to implement several crowdfunding projects.

The digital financing platform for professional and elite sport FanInvest is also one of our partners.

Sounds interesting? Then get in touch with us now: info@sportsforfuture.de

Project supporters for Sports4Trees
Start an own project with FanInvest

Charity runs

Combining sport and climate protection: What could be better than a charity run for a good cause? Together with our partners, we have already held several charity runs to support our projects in the Global South. Would you like to organize a charity run? Then get in touch with us now: info@sportsforfuture.de

Paul Schockemöhle Logistics

GKS Holdorf 2023

GKS Holdorf 2022

GKS Holdorf 2021

Summer Feeling 2021 Uni Bayreuth


Sportlich aktiv und gleichzeitig etwas Gutes für die Umwelt tun? Das ist jetzt ganz einfach möglich – mit den neuen Climate socks von Sports for Future. 

Durch den Kauf dieser Socken leistest du einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Finanzierung unserer Projekte und setzt ein Zeichen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. 

Interessiert? Schickt uns für eine Bestellung eure Anschrift sowie die gewünschte Größe (verfügbare Größen: 35-38, 39-42, 43-46, 47-50) per E-Mail an info@sportsforfuture.de und sendet uns den fälligen Betrag (12€ pro Paar + 2€ Versandkosten) per Überweisung an:

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