The Karlsruhe Transformation Center is once again offering dates for the #climatechallenge workshop format in the form of online training courses in spring and summer. The innovative workshop aims to motivate people to reduce their personal carbon footprint. In addition, people are encouraged to work towards structural changes for more and holistic climate protection in their environment, i.e. to increase their handprint at the same time. In this way, #climatechallenge systematically brings together effective climate protection in everyday life and structural transformation approaches. This is because it is more effective in the long term to change structures and establish sustainable alternatives in order to enable many people to adopt climate-friendly behavior. For example, a commitment to regional food in the canteen or a bicycle-friendly infrastructure has a much greater and lasting effect than an individual switch to a more climate-friendly diet or mode of transportation.
Training courses are offered in municipalities and clubs throughout Germany to train volunteers as multipliers. The next online dates will take place on
Friday, 26.04.2024, 15.00-18.30
Thursday, 16.05.2024, 16.00-19.30 hrs
Thursday, 06.06.2024, 15.30-19.00
The #climatechallenge is a three-part workshop concept: Part one is the Footprint Challenge, in which participants carry out a 30-day self-experiment aimed at achieving a more climate-friendly lifestyle through individual changes in behavior. The subsequent reflection phase deals with the structural challenges of climate-friendly lifestyles. The third part is the Handprint Challenge, in which sustainable behavior and comprehensive climate protection are strategically addressed.
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